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7 Silent Signs You Might Have Uterine Fibroids

Signs You Might Have Uterine Fibroids

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Uterine fibroids are the non-cancerous tumors that can grow anywhere in the uterus. These develop when a single muscular cell of the uterus clones itself many times.

Multiple fibroids can develop at a time inside the uterus (uterus cavity, uterine wall) or in the outside area (under the uterus). Some of these remain tiny, while others may grow to the size of a grapefruit.

Also, the severity of the fibroid symptoms depends upon their size, location, and frequency. Most of the fibroids (small in size) are asymptomatic. But, in some women, they can be serious and may require surgical methods.

So, if you suspect any of these signs, request an appointment with the physician to check if uterine fibroid is a cause-

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

One of the first signs that the uterine fibroid may be developing is that your periods are out of control. Fibroids, inside the uterus, as well as logged in its wall, can cause several changes, including heavy bleeding.

Estrogen and Progesterone are the two hormones that play a vital role in the menstrual cycle. These hormones, especially Estrogen, tend to increase the growth of fibroids. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the flood of hormones causes fibroids to expand, which may result in some serious issues.

It may cause your menstrual cycle to last for more than ten days. However, it isn’t a symptom that every female experience. But, many of the women having fibroids are known to face heavy bleeding during menstruation.

An Urge To Urinate Frequently

Subserosal fibroids are developed in the outer uterus. As these fibroids expand to fill the space inside your body, they push against the other body parts. Urinary bladder, being one of the closest parts to the uterus, gets pushed as well.

This pressing against the bladder may cause increased frequency in urination. Women who get up middle in the night to urinate, pee only small amounts frequently or feel difficulty initiating urination may have fibroids.

Pain And Pressure In The Pelvis

It is probably one of the most significant uterine fibroids symptoms. As the fibroids grow larger inside the uterus muscles, it may cause painful menses, pelvic pain, or difficulty during sex.

Some patients also experience heaviness in the pelvis or can feel the fibroid growth in their abdominal wall.

Difficulty In Digestion

If fibroids get enlarged, the patients may develop bowel compression that may cause trouble with bowel movements. As uterine fibroids develop within the uterus lining, it causes difficulty emptying the bladder, irregular bowel movements, constipation, etc.

They may also make you feel or look bloated. So, if you find that your abdomen is expanding, and you aren’t gaining elsewhere, it is crucial to consult a doctor.

Stabbing Pain In The Legs Or Lower Back

Another potential symptom of subserosal fibroids is that you feel fatigued, and feel pain the legs or lower back. Sometimes, fibroids tend to cause pressure in the lower back muscles and spine.

The patient needs to be diagnosed through an MRI and other tests to check if fibroids are the cause of all such issues. If so, surgical procedures involving the release of hormone analogs are good treatment options.

Spotting Between The Periods

Besides increasing the uterine bleeding during the periods, fibroids cause similar changes to the uterine wall. It may cause sporadic or unplanned spotting randomly. It is one of the significant menstrual problems you shouldn’t ignore.

Anemia And Body Pain

Since fibroids are associated with heavy menstrual bleeding, it causes blood deficiency or Anemia. As a result, you feel lethargic, sleepy, or fatigued all day long.

Another not-so-common symptom is the pain in the uterus or in the area where the fibroid is located. As fibroids are responsive to the hormones, the pain might occur only at the specific times of the month, for example, right before the periods start.


The fibroid symptoms can run from bumps or bulges in the abdomen to heavy periods, constipation, or pelvic pain. These symptoms are not only painful but are long-altering as well. With the possibility that they can affect your body organs, you shouldn’t delay to consult a gynecologist and get proper treatment.