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Managing Pain without Using Opioids: 4 Ways You Can Do It

Managing Pain without Opioids

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Pain is more than simply a feeling of discomfort that can affect the way you feel overall. It can be anything from physical pain to severe mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Acute pain usually stays for a few days or weeks and can resolve easily. But, chronic pain stays longer, and when you live with the unrelenting, constant pain, even the routine tasks can be agonizing.

That is why opioids have gained popularity over the past few years as it can treat chronic pain, while producing a pleasant and relaxed feeling. While these are highly effective, misuse can lead to severe side effects and overdose because of illicitly consumed heroin can possibly cause death.


Since opioids produce a relaxed sensation, tolerance to them can develop and make the user addicted. This is the reason; it is crucial to have proper pain management to save a person from risks of further complications.

That is why opioids have gained popularity over the past few years as it can treat chronic pain, while producing a pleasant and relaxed feeling. While these are highly effective, misuse can lead to severe side effects and overdose because of illicitly consumed heroin can possibly cause death.

Since opioids produce a relaxed sensation, tolerance to them can develop and make the user addicted. This is the reason; it is crucial to have proper pain management to save a person from risks of further complications.

However, another critical step is to find a doctor that can work with you to avoid opioid addiction, helping you draw an effective pain management plan. Here are four of them:

OTC Medications

There are various different types of medications that don't contain addictive qualities, but are sufficiently effective. One of the well-known is OTC medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen (Tylenol) available over the counter.

These medications are helpful for conditions like:

· Backache

· Headache

· Muscle Aches

· Arthritis

· Menstrual Pain

· Sprains And Other Minor Injuries

However, take these drugs under a physician's consultation to ensure correct dosage levels and potential side-effects.

Besides, there have been other interesting therapies used by doctors/therapists, and ibogaine is one of them. It is garnering attention worldwide in drug addiction treatment and alleviates drug withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor and learn the benefits of ibogaine and correct dosage amount to treat symptoms related to heroin, cocaine, opiate, and others.

Injections and Nerve Blocks

Some type of therapy involves injections to manage both acute and severe pain. Why this called a therapy is because it is beneficial and non-addictive. This is temporary and works perfectly for acute pain.

On the other side, nerve blocking injections are commonly used for joint pain or peripheral nerve issues; it’s usually used to relieve you from pain immediately.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a form of therapy that acknowledges the psychological patterns contributing to pain. It is done under the therapist's guidance and has been proven beneficial to those dealing with chronic pain.

It teaches you how to recognize thoughts, moods, situations that trigger drug cravings. You will be trained with the skills on how to handle negative thoughts by learning new behavioral techniques.

CBT encourages more positive thinking and decreased stress, thus, reduced pain. A therapist will teach you how to avoid instant triggers and will help you stay positive and healthy.

Other Therapeutic Procedures

Over the years, some interesting innovations are attracting people's attention who truly wants to quit drugs and live a healthy life.

These procedures include the implantation of a pain-relieving device. Some procedures involve using a device at the lower back to produce a tingling sensation when pain occurs.

If you have been using opioids and have developed dependence, don’t wait till it gets worse. A comprehensive rehabilitation program can help you to recover from this drug use disorder, and bring you on track by using non-opioid treatments.

In the case of chronic pain, always discuss your concern with your doctor. He/She will help get you the best solution for you!